La mejora de la calidad de vida de la población, sin lugar a dudas, constituye uno de los principales puntos para el desarrollo del Perú. La atención sanitaria debería alcanzar a todo el país, y parece que los esfuerzos del gobierno están surtiendo efectos positivos. Convendría conocer, no obstante, que grupos de población se han visto favorecidos, en qué regiones, con qué perfiles, etc.
Igualmente importante es la extensión de la infraestructura de atención sanitaria, tremendamente deficiente en las zonas de Selva y Bosque, donde, por regla general, lo que existe son "puntos" de atención sanitarios. Perú necesita invertir en centros sanitarios y hospitales en toda su geografía, pues sólo dispone de ellos (de forma general) en las principales poblaciones.
No obstante, magnífica noticia.
Lima, Jan. 26 (ANDINA). President Alan Garcia said Peru’s insured population increased from 32 percent to 68 percent under the current administration and it is predicted that this proportion will increase to 70 percent in the next few months.
“Peru’s insured population was simply the 32 percent fraction of the total population when we took office, and now 68 percent of Peruvians are insured through the Integrated Health System, the increase of insured workers and health plans made by private companies and Essalud”, President Garcia stated.
President Garcia inaugurated the Diabetes and Hypertension Care Center, located in the Limean district of Jesus Maria.
During his speech, the president noted the progress made in the health and education sectors, and said these two issues must be addressed by the next administration.
Furthermore, it was reported that the number of cataract surgeries in Peru will reach 100,000 in the next few days. This will benefit thousands of Peruvians who “had to wait for an airplane to undergo their operation abroad”.
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